Estado actual de la Estacion Meteorologica

This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.

La estacion se inicio hace 34 minutes 14 seconds
Espacio de memoria 5743/8191 MB (free/total)
This website uses Cumulus (1.9.4-b10992) for weather conditions reporting.
Ultimo reinicio hace 4 minutes 28 seconds. Template Test Utility

check-fetch-times.php Version 1.10 - 28-Nov-2012

This script will check the load times and the ability to save cache files for the included support scripts with your template package.

  Included Settings.php time=0.000 secs.

Using lang=es as default for testing

--checking UV Forecast from -- Using $SITE['UVscript'] entry for test. URL: Cache: ./cache/uv-forecast.txt GET /uvradiation/nrt/uvindex.php?lon=-8.1722&lat=43.1336 HTTP/1.1 Host: Port: 80 IP= HTTP stats: dns=0.026 conn=0.046 put=0.000 get(13 blocks)=0.047 close=0.000 total=0.119 secs fetch function elapsed= 0 secs. RC=403 Forbidden, bytes=266 ------------ Headers returned: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden Server: awselb/2.0 Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:36:19 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 118 Connection: clos ------------ Skipped cache write test to ./cache/uv-forecast.txt file. --end UV Forecast from check -- --checking WU Forecast URL -- Using first entry in $SITE['WUforecasts'] for test. URL: Cache: ./cache/WU-forecast-0-es.txt GET /cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=43.227%2C-8.289&sp=ILACORUN4 HTTP/1.1 Host: Port: 80 IP= HTTP stats: dns=0.022 conn=0.032 put=0.000 get(25 blocks)=0.051 close=0.000 total=0.105 secs fetch function elapsed= 0 secs. RC=301 Moved Permanently, bytes=883 ------------ Headers returned: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Server: AkamaiGHost Content-Length: 0 Location: Expires: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:36:19 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache Pragma: no-cache Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:36:19 GMT Connection: close Set-Cookie: speedpin=4G; expires=Sat, 27-Jul-2024 14:06:19 GMT; path=/;; secure Set-Cookie: ci=TWC-Locale-Group=US&X-Origin-Hint=WU-Next-Default&TWC-GeoIP-Country=ES&TWC-Privacy=gdpr; path=/;; secure Property-id: TWC-WU-Prod TWC-Privacy: gdpr TWC-GeoIP-Region: GA TWC-GeoIP-City: SANTIAGODECOMPOSTELA TWC-GeoIP-DMA: TWC-GeoIP-LatLong: 42.88,-8.54 TWC-GeoIP-Country: ES TWC-Device-Class: desktop TWC-Locale-Group: US TWC-Connection-Speed: 4G X-Origin-Hint: WU-Next-Default twc-subs: non ------------ Skipped cache write test to ./cache/WU-forecast-0-es.txt file. --end WU Forecast URL check -- --checking METEOalarm warning URL -- Using $SITE['EUwarningURL'] entry for test. URL: Cache: ./cache/meteoalarm-es.txt GET /es_ES/0/0/ES002-A_Coruna.html HTTP/1.1 Host: Port: 80 IP= Network error: Connection timed out (110) HTTP stats: dns=0.017 conn=2.002 put=n/a get( blocks)=n/a close=n/a total=2.019 secs fetch function elapsed= 2 secs. RC=, bytes=0 ------------ Headers returned: ------------ Skipped cache write test to ./cache/meteoalarm-es.txt file. --end METEOalarm warning URL check -- Total time taken = -1722087379.373 secs. Elapsed 2 seconds. PHP Version 7.4.33 Memory post_max_size 8M bytes. Memory usage 1490472 bytes. Memory peak usage 1809624 bytes.
Componente Estado Tiempo
actualizado hace
27/07/2024 15:36
Cumulus realtime Pendiente 5081:46:30 > 0:00:15
28/12/2023 20:49
Cumulus FTP Pendiente 2270:54:10 > 0:05:15
24/04/2024 00:42
Cumulus weather data Pendiente 9610:56:19 > 0:05:15
23/06/2023 04:40